Barry Island Bugle – 21st February


A big thank you to Mrs Hannah Prosser and Mr Gethin Lewis for their Governor Learning Walk this week. All the staff and children were very excited about the chance to share their learning with them.


Llongyfarchiadau to our Eco committee and Mr Smith who have managed to achieve the Platinum Eco Schools award last week.  It is a fantastic achievement for everyone at the school and is recognition for all the outstanding work that the Eco committee carry out.


This week has been Design and Technology (DT) week here at BIPS.  All the children have been following their DT ladders and have been planning, designing and making a variety of objects. 



Mrs Everitt and our LEGO leaders have had a very busy week this week.  They have worked alongside a number of different schools showcasing all the benefits from a variety of LEGO Education products. 


On Tuesday Dosbarth Derw and Dosbarth Bedwen had a visit from the Vale Youth Street Team, who brought along their V-Pod bus for us to explore.  We look forward to them visiting during STEM Week


After school clubs after half term – Children in all classes Reception to Year 6 will have received letters to let them know which clubs they can attend after half term.  We are extremely pleased to offer such a wide and varied range of clubs for children to attend every week after school.


Don’t forget to watch your child’s learning log showcasing all the wonderful activities they have been doing this half term on our YouTube channel.  You can also follow the link from our school website.


We had a fantastic St David’s day celebration today, thank you to everyone for their wonderful competition entries and for making a massive effort once again with Welsh themed costumes. Thank you to all our fantastic parents for supporting the St David’s Day home-learning competition and helping to make today such a success. Please look out for a link to our video of today’s celebrations on twitter, Facebook and our website. Llongyfarchiadau to all of our winners.


The first day back after the half term holiday (Monday 3rd March) is an INSET day for all staff and as a result the school will be closed on this day. School is open as normal on Tuesday 4th March.


Thank you to all families who returned the completed parent questionnaires.  If you have not returned the questionnaire please return to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible.  Your views are extremely valuable as part of our self-evaluation process.


Parent Consultations took place this Monday and Tuesday.  Diolch to all that attended.  Please remember that we ask parents to speak to class teachers at the beginning or end of the school day if you have any questions or matters you would like to discuss.


BIPS E-safety tips

 Children and young people spend an average of 12 hours a week online You should start talking to your child about keeping safe online at an early age.


BIPS phrase of the week

Beth wyt ti’n gallu wneud?

What are you able to do?

Dw in gallu …..

I am able to …


Reminders and Dates

World Book Day Celebrations on Thursday 6th March. 

See Class Home learning letters for more information.  All classes will be launching their new class book for the half term!


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