What a STEM-tastic week @ BIPS!

ImageThe children and staff of four local primary schools have been working together for over three years to give all their learners an incredible and collaborative Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) week every March.

This model has now been used as a blue print by a number of schools who as a result of this project, also work together to create a re-STEM-erable week for all!


The day before the start of National STEM week Barry Island Primary School were fortunate to have a visit from Mad Science Wales who came along to the school to host an assembly.  It was filled with fascinating science demonstrations and they even had an air-pressure powered hovercraft that lifted a child around the hall.



The following day the pupils from Barry Island, Cadoxton, Romilly and Rhws Primary School were invited to the Senedd on March 13th to help launch and celebrate National STEM week in Wales.  The children were able to show case a number of different activities they had been doing in their Science work in school.


The young scientists from Barry Island Primary School had incredible feedback from the delegates and also had the opportunity to participate in a number of different STEM related workshops.  As a treat for their hard work they had the chance to have guided tour around the Senedd by Mrs Eluned Parrott AM


STEM week started in Barry Island Primary School on Monday 17th March as all the children brought in their models of vehicles of the future and attended assembly very excited as to what lay ahead that week.



Mr Williams explained to the children what would be happening during the week and every child was given six LEGO bricks and were asked to create a LEGO duck during the day and bring it to the specially designed duck environment in the hall by the end of the day.  Each duck would chat to its friends in the hall and be taken home at the end of STEM week.


There were lots of trips and visitors planned for the week with the children of Barry Island Primary School visiting the other schools to participate in a number of activities.  One of the highlights of the week for the children of Barry Island Primary School was the visit to Cadoxton Primary School to experience the Science Dome.  All the children were treated to amazing workshops about a range of scientific topics and concepts.


The children of Barry Island Primary School had an array of visitors during STEM week.  The V-Pod bus worked with the school all week.  The V-POD bus is owned by the Vale of Glamorgan Youth Service and managed by Vibe Experience Ltd.  It is a single-decker, multimedia bus specially converted to deliver activities and services for young people.

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Barry Island Primary School had visits from Mr Mellars, who works for ARRIVA Trains Wales.  He talked with the children about rail safety.  They had a visit from Eisteins Grandson who dazzled the children with his demonstrations and knowledge.  Mr Davies, a STEM ambassador, came along to school to give an incredible insight into Mobile technology and the famous Bloodhound SSC project.  Barry Island Primary School also had visits from local farmers wives who talked about how local food is produced and sold.  Mr Forman from SRK Consulting, flew in especially from LA to run a workshop on mining which helped to make STEM week such a fantastic week for all the learners at Barry Island Primary School.


As well as all the incredible visits and experts who ran sessions in school during STEM week, all the teachers and support staff provided incredible, hands on, practical investigations for their children every day of STEM week. The highlight for many children was the teacher’s STEM-tastic assembly each morning where they had the opportunity to watch mind-blowing science demonstrations.

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STEM week was drawn to a close on Friday 21st March when everyone from Barry Island Primary School came together to share all the wonderful learning they had done.  It was a real privilege to witness the enthusiasm and motivation the pupils of Barry Island Primary School have for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and they are truly a school that is:

“Together – Learning and being our best”



Barry Island Bugle – Friday 28th March 2014


Today we held our Sport Relief fundraising day. Throughout the day the whole school engaged in lots of fun and healthy activities, which promote a healthy living choice. It was incredible to see all our children using the local park and facilities to make this day so special.


This week we were very fortunate to have a visit from Mike Heffernan, who runs the Barry Island Historical Group. He will be working with our children to create and develop educational resources about our school and locality.


This week are very proud to announce that we have won not one but two awards. Our governors have been awarded the Quality Mark Bronze Award. Achieving the Quality Mark Bronze Award is a celebration of the success of the governing body and its role within the school and in raising standards.


Our fantastic CenSo RTC digital leaders have won the Naace Local Community Impact. Naace has a long standing history of supporting those working in education to use technology to achieve the greatest possible impact, and this award recgonises the outstanding work and significant impact our digital leaders have had on the school and its wider community.


Just a reminder that there will be no activity clubs the last week of term (WC 7th April) and

school will be closed on Friday 4th April for an INSET day


We will be holding our Easter fayre on Wednesday 9th April 3:15 – 5pm. We will be asking the children to make an Easter bonnet as we will be holding an Easter fayre parade.



BIPS E-safety tips

If your child receives spam or junk email and texts, remind them never to believe their contents, reply to them or use them.


BIPS phrase of the week

Ble mae’r ….?

Where is the ….?


Mae … ar y / yn y …..

The … is on / in the …


Reminders & Dates

Monday 31st March – Y5 Swimming


Friday 4th April – INSET Day


Monday 14th – Friday 25th April – Easter Holiday


Monday 28th April – Y6 Swimming


Blog from Barry Comprehensive School – Issue 50

World Book Day 2014 – Celebrations


As part of our world book day celebrations the English Department launched its annual Extreme Reading competition. The entries were numerous and varied as usual – but the winners were announced as BT and EW for the pupils and Mrs Marie Hill for the staff.


We were thrilled to announce that over £380 had been raised by the Year 7 classes who all took part in Readathon as part of their independent learning last term. Each Year 7 pupil was challenged to read 6 books in 6 weeks. Not only did the majority complete this challenge but many actually exceeded it. The money raised goes to a variety of charities for children including the Teenage Cancer Trust. At the recent Year 7 parents’ evening many of the Mums, Dads and carers commented on how the event had re-enthused their sons about reading.



Barry Island Primary School Graduates with Flying Colours!!



Last week Barry Island Primary School Head Teacher Ty Golding was reminded again why he went into the teaching profession in the first place.

Over 15 families from Barry Island came together to celebrate their achievements in a graduation ceremony after finishing an 8 week programme called Families and Schools Together (FAST) with Save the Children Wales supported by Morrisons.

“It is so important to celebrate and value what the families and children have achieved in order for us as a school and community to have continued success. Any achievement has to be an outcome of genuine collaboration between school and community.” says Ty Golding.

Amongst the proud parents and pupils was NI and her 4 year old daughter ZL;
“This has been such a good experience for both of us. My daughter has developed in so many areas she is much more confident and can communicate with people of all ages now.”


KT and her daughter TT also enjoyed the 8 week programme for Families and Schools Together;
“We have loved every minute of this, T asks every week when the next session is!
We will be at a loss now, it has been so helpful for me I am not from this area and through this I have made new friends. I am aiming to do a Facebook page so that all of the parents can keep in touch; it has truly been invaluable for me.”


Children as young as three and a half were celebrating with plenty of food and cake at Barry Island Primary School last week receiving medals, cups and certificates to mark their graduation day in style after completing a voluntary 8 week programme available to all families with young children.

Since 2010, 24 schools in Wales have benefitted from the Families and Schools Together (FAST) initiative, supported by Save the Children with more schools already signed up and delivering in 2014. The eight-week core scheme for three to five-year-olds encourages mums, dads and children to perform everyday tasks together such as sharing a family meal, playing games and spending one on one time with each other. As well as taking part in group activities, families have also been introduced to other mums and dads in their communities.

The programme is supported for 2 years; with a view to a lasting legacy. Save the Children is working with Local Authorities, Primary Schools, Communities First partners and other local organisations to build the capacity and sustainability for FAST in the long term through offering bespoke training and support to organisations and individuals. The programme also works with children, parents, community partners and Head teachers to gather their personal experiences about FAST to inform future programme development and sustainability.


Mary Powell-Chandler, Head of Save the Children in Wales said: “FAST makes a huge difference to the families that take part. It brings together the key elements that determine a child’s success; their school, their family, and the community. FAST ensures that children are given the support they need to thrive. I am particularly happy that schools in my hometown are embracing this excellent programme ”

Save the Children is aiming to issue 400 schemes across the UK and the charity has already run projects in Wales in Cardiff, Caerphilly and Rhondda Cynon Taf.

For further information about the Families and Schools Together project http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/fast


Blog from Barry Comprehensive School – Issue 49

Healthy Living Week


Now in its 6th year, the annual Healthy Living Week at Barry Comprehensive School has become established as a focal point of the spring term calendar with students and staff taking part in a wide range of activities promoting healthy eating, healthy bodies, healthy minds, healthy relationships and – for the second time – a healthy planet.


For the first time ever the school was lucky enough to have the use of a fantastic smoothie bike, kindly lent to us from Porthcawl based charity Sustainable Wales. Local supermarkets, Marks and Spencer and Waitrose, were extremely generous with fruit donations, which allowed the pupils to whizz up their own smoothies, while keeping fit at the same time! Martin Trew, one of the managers at Culverhouse Marks & Spencer, got involved with chopping fresh fruit and making smoothies, which the students really enjoyed.


Fresh fruit was also sold by members of the Student Parliament at break and lunch times and profits from fruit smoothie sales going to the Sustainable Wales charity. Year 7 took part in practical emergency life-saving skills using the Heartstart programme and a successful inter-form dodge ball competition took place too.


Normal lessons were replaced with extra sports activities such as karate, break dancing, dodge ball, basketball and mini-tennis, all arranged by the school’s 5×60 officer Stefan Williams, in addition to the full schedule of extra-curricular sporting activities at break and lunchtime.


Other activities included Wales Air Ambulance sharing the good work they provide across Wales, saving people’s lives, also Going Public Theatre Company delivered a theatre performance to Year 9 which highlighted issues and raised awareness of the misuse of alcohol.


Assemblies had a focus on healthy relationships, healthy communities, healthy bodies and healthy minds with the Faculty of Performing Arts putting on a short play written and performed by students on the themes of bullying and body image. Continuing these topics were interactive and exciting sessions provided by our partners, Vibe Experience, Vale Youth Service’s C-Card Scheme and Show Racism the Red Card. There was even a dentist on site to check some year 7 and 8 students’ teeth!



Barry Island Bugle – 21st March


This week has seen the school participate in National STEM Week.  All classes have been undertaking a wide range of investigations in fun, practical ways and drawing scientific conclusions from their findings. Well done to all those who rose to the challenge of making a ‘vehicle of the future’, they were all very imaginative and creative! We brought STEM week to a close today with a wonderful whole school sharing assembly and we hope your LEGO duck finds a safe home!


This week saw the end of our Families and Schools Together programme. We had a wonderful graduation ceremony and party to celebrate the journey our families have travelled over the last few weeks.  Many congratulations to all our FAST graduates.  We are very proud of you and your achievements.  Da iawn!


On Thursday evening our school dancers performed at Barry Memorial Hall as part of the ‘Best Foot Forward’ dance festival. The children were amazing and Miss Glover was extremely proud of them.  A big thank you to Miss Glover for all her hard work with our dancers as they have been a real credit to the school.


Orders and payments for school meals must be on a Monday morning as we are unable to accept any late orders or payments next week as it is the end of Financial Year and we need to comply with Vale Catering Procedures.


Next week we will be welcoming our colleagues from Molina, Spain as part of the inter-generational project that we are leading.  We look forward to showing them around our school and meeting all our learners.


Today the nation will be raising money in aid of Sport Relief. However, due to our STEM week we will be holding our Sport Relief day on Friday 28th March. For this day the children can bring in £1 to wear anything ‘sporty’ and all money raised will be given to Sport Relief.  Throughout the day we will be engaging in lots of fun and healthy activities, which will promote a healthy living choice. It is important that the children wear appropriate footwear, suitable for running and that they bring in a bottle of water to take to the activities with them please.

We would like to remind everybody that we are a healthy eating school and we encourage children to only bring fruit to eat during break times.


Just a reminder that there will be no activity clubs the last week of term (WC 7th April) and school will be closed on Friday 4th April for an INSET day

On Wednesday 26th March the school will be closed for children due to the national teachers strike action. We understand that this may cause inconvenience but unfortunately we will not be in a position to keep the school open as normal. 


BIPS E-safety tips

 Don’t give out information online simply because it’s asked for – think whether whoever is asking for it,

really needs it. Never share passwords!



BIPS phrase of the week

Beth sydd well ‘da ti?

What do you prefer?


Mae’n well ‘da fi …..

I prefer …


 Reminders and Dates

Monday 24th March – Y4 Swimming


Wednesday 26th March – School Closed


Friday 28th March – Sport Relief Activity Day


Monday 31st March – Y5 Swimming


Friday 4th April – INSET Day




Barry Island Bugle – Friday 14th March


This week we have been taking part in ‘The Big Pedal’.  Our Eco Committee have been keeping a tally of all the children who rode their bikes and scooters to school.  We will be publishing the results very soon


Dosbarth Derw held a Show and See on Wednesday afternoon for all their families.  They showcased all their learning over the half term. Children and adults we able to take part in African drumming, create incredible art and also programme LEGO WeDo models. 


With STEM week starting on Monday, we were very fortunate to have an incredible Science assembly for the whole school on Wednesday.  It was filled with fascinating science demonstrations and they even had an air-pressure powered hovercraft!


Some of our Year 6 scientists were fortunate to visit the Senedd on Thursday to demonstrate some of the work they have been doing.  They explained and showed their ‘gobstopper’ experiment to the delegates and also had the chance to look at other schools work.  The children were then able to have a tour of the Senedd.  All children were extremely well behaved and were a real credit to the school.


Congratulations to our Year 5 and Year 6 dancers who performed so brilliantly at the Sherman Theatre on Thursday evening.  Miss Glover was extremely proud of everyone and is already looking forward to their performance at the Barry Memorial Hall next week.  A big thank you to Mrs Bellingham and Miss Cogbill for all their help.


On Wednesday a number of our digital leaders attended the Apple RTC conference at the SWALEC Stadium in Cardiff.  They ran a workshop on how we implement Hwb in school and also addressed the whole conference explaining what they do and their role within the school.


STAY AND PLAY – A Friendly and Fun Group for All Parents and Children. St Baruc’s Church Barry Island.  Every Thursday 9.15-11.15am


Vale Catering has advised us that there will be an increase in the price of school meals with effect from Monday 28th April 2014, the commencement of the Summer Term.  The price of school meals from this date will be £2.05 per day, £10.25 per week.  Orders and payments for school meals must be on a Monday morning as we are unable to accept any late orders/payments.


On Wednesday 26th March the school will be closed for children due to the national teachers strike action. We understand that this may cause inconvenience but unfortunately we will not be in a position to keep the school open as normal. 


BIPS E-safety tips

Keep up-to-date with your child’s development online. Be inquisitive and interested in the new gadgets and sites that your child is using. It’s important that as your child learns more, so do you.


BIPS phrase of the week

Ble est ti?

Where did you go?


Es i i / i’r …..

I went to / to the …


Dates for your Diary

Monday 17th – Friday 21st March – STEM week


Monday 24th March – Y4 Swimming


Wednesday 26th March – School Closed


Monday 31st March – Y5 Swimming


Blog from Barry Comprehensive School – Issue 48

A visit from Sweden

From February 17 to February 21 Barry Comprehensive School was pleased to host a visit for our first ever Swedish visitor, Mr Bernt Rudholm, or Mr Bernt, as he came to be known by staff and students.

Bernt first heard about our school through his interest in green wood.  Bernt read an article in the British magazine: Living Woods Magazine, in 2012. In this article it outlined the work Paul Bartlett does with the Design and Technology department at Barry Comprehensive School. The way he works with the students looked very inspiring to Bernt and he wanted to find out more about it .Bernt works as a wood- and metalwork teacher and he also teaches English at Tokarpsskolan in Linköping, about 250 kilometres south of Stockholm.

During the research of finding a scholarship within the Comenius programme in the EU Bernt also found out that Barry Comprehensive has a strong track record of developing literacy with its boys. This is a very important issue in Sweden and at Bernt’s school

Since Bernt is also very interested in literacy he spent some time with Mrs K Turnbull observing literacy interventions and the volunteer reading scheme. He also sat in on a range of lessons and a discussion with our trainee teachers on the Literacy and Numeracy framework. This exchange opportunity offered a real international opportunity to discuss PISA and national issues of literacy and numeracy. Bernt took every opportunity to find out about the education system in Wales; he also took every opportunity to take part in the school’s annual Healthy Living Week.


Bernt commented: ‘I got a warm welcome to Wales and to Barry Comprehensive. I received two guides among the students, Michael and Jarred in year 10 who took care of me among all the classrooms and corridors. Barry Comp is much bigger than my school in Sweden. A big thank you to these guys!

It was very interesting to see the issues I came for: Green wood work and literacy and I got a good insight in those fields, but also how things can be at an ‘all boys’ school.


One thing which struck me on my return was that when we, as teachers, visit another school we share in many ways the same ‘language’. We can understand each other and we have the same goals about our students’ success. This idea I would like to emphasize as an encouragement to my fellow teachers. We would very much like to see you -Barry Comp teachers –on a visit at our school in Linköping’.

We very much look forward to returning Bernt’s visit as we, too, believe there is a great deal to learn from this exchange of ideas.



Barry Island Bugle – 7th March


Wow what a busy start to the new half term! We were very pleased to see everyone returning safely and ready for another half term of super learning. We have thoroughly enjoyed hearing about the children’s half term news and are looking forward to the many adventures we will embark on throughout the term.


On Tuesday Dosbarth Bedwen launched their new cornerstones topic ‘Heroes and Villains’ with a visit to the home of our Welsh Rugby Heroes.  We had the chance to experience the build up before the match in the Dragon’s Lair, Wales’ team dressing room. We heard the roar of 74,500 fans as we walked down the players’ tunnel towards the hallowed turf and we finally lifted the trophy to the skies like a sporting superstar in the President’s Box.


A big thank you to our Vice Chair of Governors Mr Richard Cook, who visited the school this week as part of our Governing Body ‘Learning Walks’. These are opportunities for our Governing body to come into school, see the learning in our classes and have an opportunity to talk to subject leaders about the curriculum and standards. All the staff and children were very excited about the chance to share their learning with him.


On Thursday our FAST programme resumed at Barry Island School.  It was fantastic to see families and members of the community coming together to talk, work, play and eat together.  We are very proud of all our families and we look forward to next week’s session.


Community Open Afternoon in Garden – Our garden will be open every Wednesday to families from 3.15-4.15pm.  All welcome, children must be accompanied by an adult.


On Thursday we all celebrated World Book Day with all our classes taking part in a number of exciting activities.  The classroom doors have been decorated with children’s book for this half term and it was fantastic to see children enjoying the pleasures of books and reading.


This week saw the start of our new after school activity clubs. Children in all classes Reception to Year 6 have taken part in a variety of clubs and we are extremely pleased to offer such a wide and varied range of clubs for children to attend every week after school.


Next week we will be taking part in The Big Pedal.  The Big Pedal is a cycling and scooting initiative that encourages children to choose two wheels for their school journeys.  Our Eco Committee are asking that ALL children ride their bikes or scooters to school next week and they will be keeping a tally of these results all of next week.


On Wednesday 26th March the school will be closed for children due to the national teachers strike action. We understand that this may cause inconvenience but unfortunately we will not be in a position to keep the school open as normal. 


BIPS E-safety tips

Think about using a nickname instead of your real name if you’re signing up

to a micro blogging site like Twitter.


BIPS phrase of the week

Sut wyt ti’n teimlo?

How are feeling?

 Dw i’n …..

I am …

 Dates for the Diary……

Wednesday 12th March – Derw Show and See 2pm


Monday 17th – Friday 21st March – STEM week


Monday 24th March – Y4 Swimming


Monday 31st March – Y5 Swimming
